Tag archive for : Newborns

Bozeman Newborn Photography

Okay, just so you know, I’m not pregnant. I do have three kiddos, the youngest being 1 and a half, and I have family and friends who are , but not me. Now we got that covered.

There are so many newborn baby… gadgets and gizmos…. a plenty. (do you know which Disney movie I just quoted there?!!) As a first time mom I wasn’t sure what it was that I truly needed, or was going to use, or if what I wanted was practical.

Now the list does not included the big ticket items like car seat, stroller,  and crib that you are going to need. Instead this list is the other things that I used over and over with each one of my new babies, and they are the things that I couldn’t live without.

My 7 Must Have

  1. Muslin Swaddles…These blankets are the best! Lightweight, breathable, easy to swaddle with, and come in all sorts of great and fun designs.. (Aden&Anis have a ton)
  2. Baby Wearing Carrier…I used a moby wrap and a side sling with mine, but those Ergo Carriers are amazing! Especially cuz we live in a beautiful area and you want to get out and enjoy it where the stroller can’t go!
  3. Nursing Cover/Infinity Scarf…If you plan on nursing, which I did, these are AMAZING!! It’s an infinity scarf, but can be used as a nursing cover!!  ** Or my friend at Bugs and Daises makes car seat cover/nursing cover!!
  4. Newborn onesies/bodysuits with folder mittens…Let’s face it Newborn’s have NAILS!! and they grow super fast and are sharp. And let’s face it can be extremely hard to clip at times, so these newborn onesies gotcha covered!!
  5. Bouncy Chair…I think these all vibrate now, and that is awesome!! My little ones loved these chairs, and really it’s how I got things done. It also kept them off the floor from being unexpectedly jumped on by an older sibling!
  6. Car Seat Cover… In the winter there are some great really warm zip up covers, you can have one that attaches to handle and hangs, or ones that stretch over ( Like the ones from Bugs and Daises). They are great to keep baby covered and protected from germs and sun and whatever elements come.
  7. Baby First Aide Kit…Of course this is on my list, Honestly I’d feel like a bad parent if I didn’t have it, and you may all judge me ;-).  In my Baby Kit I had those baby nail clippers, a bulb syringe ( the green ones you get from the hospital), saline drops, gas drops, and the forehead thermometer. This is what i used and wanted to have with me, yours may look different!

In the comments below let me know what is on your Must Have list for Newborn items!!

Filled Under : Cami Joy Photography , Newborns